Weights and Measures Approval Seal

Weights & Measures

Weights and Measures
Sealer of Weights and Measures
Thomas B. Maynard
4252 Groves Road
Columbus, OH 43232
Office : (614) 645-7397
Fax : (614) 645-3994
Email : Click to Send Email

The mission of the Weights & Measures Section is to provide "equity in the marketplace" by attempting to provide a level field of competition for merchants to conduct their business and seek to guarantee no monetary damages to buyers and sellers in commercial transactions.

The Sealer is responsible for the enforcement of Ohio laws and Columbus City Codes related to weights and measures. Inspectors examine any weighing or measuring device that is used in commercial transactions to assure devices are accurate and operating properly. Some of the devices inspected and tested include: gas pumps, retail devices, U.P.C. scanners, taxi meters and more. Each device is inspected at least once a year and labeled with an approval seal showing consumers the device passed inspection. Inspectors also examine pre-packaged commodities such as meat, produce and liquids for adequate fill and proper labeling.

Information submitted through the City of Columbus' website may be subject to disclosure pursuant to a public records request. Information submitted through the City's website may be shared with another governmental agency if the visitor's inquiry relates to that agency. Certain types of information (such as electronic payment information) are exempt from disclosure as public records. If you have questions about the Ohio Public Records laws, refer to State of Ohio's Revised Code, Section 149.43, Availability of Public Records.


Questions or Concerns Regarding Invoices Invoice Questions

Inspections with Associated Fees For a complete list of inspections and associated fees - click here

Request an Inspection - click here to complete form

Consumer Complaint Form - click here to complete form