Fire Seal


Columbus Division of Fire

3639 Parsons Ave

Columbus, Ohio 43207 

Office : 614.221.3132

Fire Prevention Bureau: 614-645-7641

NEED A CPR CLASS?? ENROLL NOW American Heart Association First Aid CPR and AED Training

CFD Annual Report 2020 Annual Report Annual Report 2020


Autumn 2020 Command Post Picture 

Command Post

Fire ext Training photo New Americans

Fire extinguishers are valuable tools for extinguishing small fires, and providing a path for escape. Many homes and businesses are equipped with fire extinguishers of various types. This hands-on program teaches the operator how to use their equipment properly, but stresses the importance of personal safety and escape. This program has a lecture, and a video/power point presentation which lasts approximately one hour, followed by a hands-on fire extinguisher scenario with a controlled fire.

Fire Extinguisher Training is available starting in April and through October, depending on weather.

To schedule a training or for more information:

Phone: 614-645-7377
