Public Utility Contractors
Important information pertaining to contractors, developers, design/engineering professionals and other vendors working within the City of Columbus, such as: contractor certification, regulations, fees, standard drawings, specifications, and more.
Request For Proposal Project Listing Update
Engineering/Design Project Listing(PDF, 232KB) of RFPs on anticipated Utilities' engineering projects through 2025.
Construction Project Listing(PDF, 223KB) of Invitations for Bid (IFBs) on anticipated Utilities' construction projects.
For city-wide opportunities, visit the Finance Purchasing office.
Visit our Capital Improvement Projects to learn about utility CIPs currently underway.
Minority and Women-Owned Business Enterprise (MBE/WBE) Program
Public Utilities and the Office of Diversity and Inclusion (ODI) hosted an event for consultants to learn about the City’s MBE/WBE Program and how to do business with us. Data presented at the August 14, 2024 event is available below and will be updated quarterly.
PowerPoint Presentation(PPTX, 7MB) 8/14/2024
Professional Design Services RFPs(XLSX, 44KB) RFP data sorted into 3 tabs: Analysis, Number of Proposals, Goals Assigned. Data from 7/1/22 - 6/30/24.
Contract Amount(XLSX, 63KB) w a list of vendors (prime and sub); spreadsheet uses 5 tabs to present the information by Certification Type, All Consultants, Prime Consultants, Sub-consultants, Firms not Used.
Sub-Contractor Utilization Report(XLSX, 445KB)
Form B11(PDF, 384KB) - Declaration Of Proposed MBE/WBE Utilization
Forms B12(PDF, 239KB) - Request for MBE/WBE Goal Waiver/Documentation of Good Faith Effort
Form B13(PDF, 146KB) - Request for Bid Discount/Proposal Incentive
Upcoming Design Services RFPs(XLSX, 19KB) (9/1/24 - 12/31/25)
Contact Information(PDF, 107KB)
Get Approved
Forms, environmental requirements and information required of contractors to get approved to work on Utilities projects. Includes: EMS, Stormwater Manual, Subcontractor Utilization, Supplemental Permit Questionnaire, Backflow, Water Distribution Approved Materials, CAD Digital Submission Standards, Private Sewer Agreement & more.
Request a Scheduled Power Outage
Use the Power Outage Application Form to schedule a temporary power outage for maintenance-related activity on the customer's side of the service line. 30 days' notice is required.
Rates, Fees, and Connection Charges
Find current utility rates, charts that detail the various service charges, fees associated with connecting to city water and/or sewer, fire hydrants, power, festival rates & more. Average costs includes what an average bill runs, running toilets & faucets, outdoor watering and filling a swimming pool.
Cross-Connection Backflow Control
To ensure there is no cross-connection or back siphoning of contaminated water into the main water supply, those with irrigation systems, auxiliary meters, car washes, pools and others are required to install a backflow prevention device which must be tested annually by a certified contractor.
Stormwater Drainage Manual
This manual establishes stormwater control requirements for all new public and private development and redevelopment in the City of Columbus. It requires post construction stormwater controls for both water quality and water quantity.
Get Certified Prior to Working on Power, Water or Sewer Lines
Authorization is required prior to working on City power, water or sewer lines. For water and sewer certification, contractors must submit an application(PDF, 203KB) to 111 N Front Street and take an in-person written test. Contractor licenses must be renewed annually.
For power certification, contractors must complete required training(PDF, 2MB) with all employees who will be working on-site for any upcoming project and submit a Training Verification Form(PDF, 120KB) to
Residents can search the Citizen Portal for approved contractors. Note: DPU does not endorse or recommend any contractor.
Connect to City Power
If you live or operate a business within our general service territory we may be able to provide your electric service. View the Service Area Map by Zip Code(PDF, 445KB) or view an interactive-searchable map of our service area. If you are in our territory, please complete the online service request form or contact Customer Service at (614) 645-7360. Learn how to Start New Utility Service.
Fire Hydrants
Temporary hydrant use permits are available for new construction, nurseries, filling community swimming pools, water hauling, dust control & demolition. Find available hydrants, contact info, permit request form, fire protection rates & more.
Fats, Oils, and Grease Control (FOG)
A leading cause of sewer blockages across the U.S. is the accumulation of FOG in the sanitary sewers. The greasy waste enters the sewers from our homes, food service establishments, and industrial wastewater dischargers. Our FOG reduction program applies to all food service establishments located within the City of Columbus and to the 22 municipalities that use our wastewater treatment.
Private Sewer Agreement
This form(PDF, 316KB) is required to obtain permission to construct a private sanitary sewer discharging into the City Sewerage System, in accordance with City Standard Specifications.
Construction & Materials Specifications
The City of Columbus recently completed an extensive revision to its Construction And Materials Specifications (CMSC), which are in effect as of March 1, 2018. For CIPs: Any contract previously awarded will continue to follow the 2012 CMSC unless otherwise directed by the department.
CAD Digital Submission Standards
For the creation and submittal of digital drawings, a Zip format file with Microsoft Word standards document and an autocad drawing template is available.
Sewer Facilities Approved Material List
Developers or contractors constructing sanitary and storm water facilities within the City of Columbus shall use the materials approved and listed on the Approved Materials List(PDF, 133KB).
Water Distribution Facilities Approved Materials List
Developers or contractors constructing potable water facilities within the City of Columbus and surrounding contracted water service areas shall indicate all materials used in conjunction with the project & submit this form (includes Approved Materials List) in its entirety. Approved Materials List(PDF, 128KB)
New Construction Water Service Inspection Checklist
Cross-Connection and Backflow information to be used as a checklist for the inspection process once a water service plan has been approved by the Division of Water, Backflow Section.
Water & Sewer Contract Communities
DPU provides water & sewer service to well over 20 communities in addition to Columbus through contractual agreements. Many of the customers in these communities receive a bill from Columbus. Other municipalities buy water in bulk from Columbus and handle their own billing (master metered communities).
Simple Steps For Contractors To Protect Water and Avoid Costly Fines/Cleanup Fees
Contractors and those who do home improvement projects can be fined thousands of dollars if they allow paint, drywall compound, concrete washout or other chemicals to go down a storm drain. Follow these guidelines to learn how to properly dispose of leftover materials and wastewater and gain ideas for recycling and reuse.
Conflict of Interest Policy Regarding Energy Grants(DOCX, 51KB)
The purpose of this policy is to identify and manage conflicts of interest for Department of Public Utilities (DPU) projects funded in whole or in part by financial assistance from the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE). Such funding may be received either directly by DPU or indirectly as a sub-recipient of another agency. This policy applies to the City as an entity and also to anyone participating in a project funded under a DOE financial assistance award.