Keep Columbus Beautiful


Keep Columbus Beautiful is a City of Columbus community improvement program and a national affiliate of Keep America Beautiful. KCB focuses on public education and volunteer service related to quality of life environmental issues including litter, recycling and beautification.

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(NEW) Waste and Reuse Convenience Center(PDF, 6MB)

Learn more about the Division of Refuse Collection Waste and Reuse Convenience Centers

Register, Report, and Resources
Find the forms to organize a community cleanup, Adopt-An-Area and more!

Litter Index
The City of Columbus 2023 Litter Index is a map-based survey of the litter conditions of the city’s streets, parks and recreation sites.

Columbus Litter League
Play Ball & End Littering in Columbus!

Upcoming Volunteer Events and Ongoing Projects
Information about upcoming KCB events and ongoing projects!

Adopt an Area

Volunteer groups can assist in the first impression of a neighborhood by adopting a major corridor.

Education Opportunities
KCB Educational Programs are focused on developing social responsibility and behavior change through curriculum approved lessons and service-learning activities. The program brings its programming into Columbus City Schools, City of Columbus Recreation Centers and Columbus Metropolitan Libraries.

Partner With Us
Creating a partnership with Keep Columbus Beautiful benefits Columbus' most important asset - its neighborhoods.