Working with federal authorities and cybersecurity experts, the City of Columbus continues its investigation and response to a July cybersecurity incident. Click here for more information on the Division of Fire notification.
Keep Columbus Beautiful is a City of Columbus community improvement program and a national affiliate of Keep America Beautiful. KCB focuses on public education and volunteer service related to quality of life environmental issues including litter, recycling and beautification.
For more information, please email
(NEW) Waste and Reuse Convenience Center(PDF, 889KB)
Learn more about the Division of Refuse Collection Waste and Reuse Convenience Centers
Register, Report, and ResourcesFind the forms to organize a community cleanup, Adopt-An-Area and more!
Litter IndexThe City of Columbus 2023 Litter Index is a map-based survey of the litter conditions of the city’s streets, parks and recreation sites.
Columbus Litter LeaguePlay Ball & End Littering in Columbus! Upcoming Volunteer Events and Ongoing ProjectsInformation about upcoming KCB events and ongoing projects!
Adopt an Area
Volunteer groups can assist in the first impression of a neighborhood by adopting a major corridor.
Education Opportunities KCB Educational Programs are focused on developing social responsibility and behavior change through curriculum approved lessons and service-learning activities. The program brings its programming into Columbus City Schools, City of Columbus Recreation Centers and Columbus Metropolitan Libraries.
Partner With Us Creating a partnership with Keep Columbus Beautiful benefits Columbus' most important asset - its neighborhoods.
Keep Columbus Beautiful 1265 Marion Road Columbus, OH 43207
(614) 645-2421 (614) 645-7747 Fax Email
311 (614) 645-3111
Monday - Friday 8:00 am - 4:30 pm
Warehouse pickup and drop off is by appointment only.
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