Income Tax Division

Postcard to file your Columbus taxes online at crisp.columbus,gov

File Your Taxes Online


The quickest and most efficient manner to pay and file your taxes is by using CRISP at Using a method other than may result in delays. At this time we are experiencing significant delays with the processing of tax payments and tax returns sent via USPS.

2025 Filing Season Information

The deadline for filing 2024 individual tax returns is April 15, 2025. Everything you need to file can be found on the Filing Season Information page.

Reminder: Estimated Tax Payments

Individuals and Businesses expecting to owe $200.00 or more in Columbus income tax for the current year are required to make quarterly estimated tax payments. These Quarterly estimated payments must total at least 90% of the total tax liability shown on the current year tax return or at least 100% of the total tax liability shown on the previous year’s income tax return.

If estimated payments total an amount less than either of these criteria, or if payments are not made by the due dates listed below, you will be subject to penalty and interest.

State of Ohio Laws governing Estimated Tax Payments can be found here.

 Estimated Payment Due  Calendar Year  Fiscal Year
 Declaration/1st Estimate  April 15th  15th day of 4th month of fiscal year
 2nd Quarter Payment  June 15th  15th day of 6th month of fiscal year
 3rd Quarter Payment  September 15th  15th day of 9th month of fiscal year
 4th Quarter Payment (Corporate)  December 15th  15th day of 12th month of fiscal year
 4th Quarter Payment (Individual)  January 15th

Pay online

Login to your CRISP account and use electronic check or credit card.

*No service charge when using a credit card

Pay by mail

Individuals use form IR-PV(PDF, 659KB)  

Businesses use form BR-PV(PDF, 658KB)

Are You Expecting a Refund?

The quickest way to check your refund status is to access your account directly on CRISP ( Please have your filed tax return in front of you for verification purposes. We are experiencing significant processing delays this tax season and appreciate your patience. Some returns may take longer to process than others due to incomplete returns and/or missing documentation. Unless you receive a letter from us requesting additional information, your return is still being processed. We will follow all legal requirements regarding payment of interest when issuing refunds. Again, feel free to go to for the most up to date information.

Return Processing Information

The most efficient and effective way to file tax returns and make payments for City of Columbus Income Tax is through CRISP (Columbus Revenue Information Service Portal) at Effective September 26, 2022, all tax returns and payments not submitted through CRISP (Columbus Revenue Information Service Portal) are forwarded to and processed by our banking partner, JPMorgan Chase in a secure, state of the art facility. The decision to process mail in this manner was made to enhance the security of your sensitive information, improve staff productivity by automating manual processes, and disaster recovery/continuity of operations. By processing mail through JPMorgan Chase, we can ensure that your information is handled with the utmost care and protection within a trusted and secure facility. You can expect the same level of service and attention to detail that you have come to expect from the City of Columbus. If you have any questions or concerns regarding this change, please do not hesitate to contact us at 614-645-7370. We appreciate your cooperation and understanding as we take steps to safeguard your sensitive information. 

Mailing Addresses

The City of Columbus, Division of Income Tax is strongly encouraging taxpayers to go to: to file your returns and make payments.

The Division is also no longer accepting tax returns or payments in person at 77 N. Front Street, 2nd Floor Columbus, Ohio 43215 and if you are unable to file and pay online, please use the mailing addresses below.

Note that all paper tax returns and payments are forwarded to and processed by our banking partner, JPMorgan Chase in a secure, state of the art facility (see “Return Processing Information”).

Payment Enclosed (Business & Individual):
Columbus Income Tax Division
PO Box 182158
Columbus, OH 43218-2158

No Payment Enclosed (Business & Individual):
Columbus Income Tax Division
PO Box 182437
Columbus, OH 43218-2437

Withholding (Payments & No Payments):
Employer Withholding Tax
PO Box 182489
Columbus, OH 43218-2489

Columbus Income Tax Division
PO Box 183190
Columbus, OH 43218-3190

Payment Plans and Assistance

Taxpayers who are unable to pay their full tax balance may be eligible for assistance. For more information, please contact our Division.

The Columbus Income Tax Division provides the service of collection, audit, and enforcement of the 2.5% income tax for the City of Columbus, as well as the excise lodging tax for the City of Columbus and the Franklin County Convention and Facilities Authority. We serve those who live, work, and conduct business in Columbus in order to make sure that everyone pays their fair share.