
Please complete the fields below. We will send you a PUP bandanna or PUP biodegradable bags. Limit one per household, while supplies last. If you've signed up via the PUP Wagon no more goodies will be forthcoming as you will have already received them.

Please send me a PUP dispenser with biodegradable bags for my dog's leash. 

(Please allow 4 - 6 weeks for delivery)

Yes, I promise to PUP (Pick Up Poop!)

Cleaning up after my dog is a simple, everyday thing I can do to help keep streams and rivers free of harmful bacteria while following our law. CLEAN WATER IS THE GOAL!

First Name             
Last Name 
City  State  Zipcode  



I commit to greening up my home by:

 I will conserve and protect water by doing at least two of the following:

  • Pick up my pup’s poop, bag it and trash or dispose of it in eco-friendly ways
  • Turn off the water while soaping my pup during bath time
  • Give my pup fresh water and use the old water on plants, trees or shrubs
  • Tell my friends and family about PUP

  I will conserve energy by doing at least two of the following: 

  • Walk my pup on short trips we take together rather than driving in the car
  • Use an energy efficient bulb to light the yard for my pup at night
  • Use an Energy Star-rated fan to keep my pup cool in the summer
  • Not leave on lights or TV for pup while I’m away

   I will reduce, reuse and recycle by doing at least two of the following:

  • Buy individual, unwrapped bones
  • Buy pup treats sold in bulk
  • Donate items my pup outgrows to local shelters
  • Train my pup to retrieve the newspaper to recycle it
For more than forty ideas to green up your home check out Columbus GreenSpot www.ColumbusGreenSpot.org

I learned about PUP and making my home a GreenSpot through: (choose one)