Guidance for Non-Residential Properties

Non-Residential Properties

Non-residential customers must have a functioning backflow preventer at the end of their water service line(s). If your property has more than one water service line, each requires its own backflow preventer. We categorize water service lines into two types (described below).The type of backflow preventer required for your installation depends on the type of water service line and the potential risk of backflow.

Fire-only Water Service Line

These service lines only feed private fire hydrants and/or fire sprinkler/suppression systems. Water use unrelated to fire suppression is not allowed. These will typically appear in the Meter Reading Details of your bill as Service Type "Fire". Since they are intended for infrequent, but high flow they are metered differently than other service lines. Unmetered fire lines are listed on your bill under Detail of New Charges as "UNMTR FP CITY..." Refer to our Standards for Non-residential Properties page for requirements.

Meter Reading Details

Domestic Water Service Line

Service lines not exclusively for fire protection are categorized as a domestic water service line. This includes a combined service line that feeds domestic uses and also provides fire protection. They will appear on your bill with a Service Type that starts with the letter "W". Refer to our Standards for Non-residential Properties page for requirements.

Meter Reading Details

Backflow Preventer Types

Find information on backflow preventer types on the Standards for Non-residential Properties page.

Properties With Booster Pumps

Booster pumps can reduce the pressure in the public water system causing backflow from adjacent properties. Properties with booster pumps, regardless of service line type, must have a low pressure sustaining device to limit the impact on the public water system.


In certain situations a customer may be granted an exception to the need to provide backflow protection at the end of their domestic water service line.

Qualifications and Application for an exception

To qualify, the property must be owner-occupied and there must not be any plumbing cross-connections creating a potential hazard to the public water system.

Certain site uses, such as an auto repair shop, medical facility, chemical plant, etc., are not eligible for the exception. Please refer to Section 6.A.3.a of Rule and Regulation 23-02(PDF, 941KB) for more details.

To request an exception you must complete the Backflow Prevention Exception Application(PDF, 265KB) and return it to our office as noted on the form.

For guidance in filling out the Backflow Prevention Exception Application, please refer to the Backflow Prevention Exception Application FAQs.

Standards for Non-Residential Properties

Refer to our Standards for Non-residential Properties page for requirements.