Fall and Winter Topics

fall-colors.jpg Learn about: mulching your garden for winter with Com-Til, keeping storm drains clear, proper yard waste disposal, cool weather energy savings (and how to get a rebate for a programmable thermostat), what to do if your pipes freeze (& how to prevent it), water main breaks & more.


WheelBarrow1.jpg Prep Your Plant Beds for Winter with Com-Til Mulch
Temperate weather provides the perfect conditions to prepare your garden and plant beds for winter. By applying a layer of mulch, you can protect them from the temperature extremes and fluctuations we experience in central Ohio. The ground heaves as it freezes and thaws, forcing the root systems of many plants up from the soil and exposing them. Mulch helps maintain a more even temperature and prevents winter erosion. Apply 2 - 3" of mulch when the ground is frozen, or near frozen. Com-Til compost is an organic product made from wood chips and yard waste, perfect for mulching.

stormdrainleaves.jpg Help Prevent Street Flooding - Keep Storm Drains Clear
Help prevent street flooding by keeping storm drains free from blockages. Trash, leaves, debris, snow & ice are all common causes of storm sewer blockages - you can help.

NoDumping-DrainstoRiver-no-border.png Storm Drain Marker Program
Fall offers perfect weather for this volunteer opportunity to raise awareness that dumping waste into storm drains contributes to water pollution & endangers wildlife. Decals, adhesive & instruction is provided for volunteers to apply on curbs near storm drain inlets - perfect for individuals or groups.

Branches.jpg Dispose of Yard Waste Properly - Pet Waste Too
Waste must be properly prepared and placed for collection. Leaves swept into the curb will not be collected in Columbus. Dumping yard waste into storm drains or waterways adds excess nutrients to the water, can clog drains & contribute to flooding. Better yet, compost & mulch yard waste.

HouseholdHazardousWaste.jpg Dispose of Household Hazardous Waste Properly
Household hazardous wastes are materials used in the home that can cause injury or are harmful if disposed of improperly. Never dump these items into a storm drain, open waterway or ditch. Learn how to dispose of such items properly - there are many free drop-off locations and special collection events, including National Take Back Day (annually in April and October) for unused/expired medications.

water-main-break.jpg Water Main Breaks
Routine repairs usually take 4 - 6 hours to complete. Although most are not as dramatic as the photo, there typically isn't time to notify residents before shut-off & repairs begin. FAQ's Repaired on a priority system based on severity, location & other factors, most breaks are repaired within 2 weeks of being reported. And while every attempt is made to make repairs without shutting the water off, some temporary interruptions or reduced pressure may be necessary.

Meter[1].jpg Locating a Water Meter & Emergency Service Valve
Do you know where the main shut-off valve is? Locate & mark your main control valve; show everyone in the house how to turn off water in an emergency. What To Do if Your Pipes Freeze or Break - Learn how to thaw your pipes safely & what to do if they break. 

Fats, Oils, and Grease clog sewer pipe Holiday Reminder
Do Not Pour Cooking Oils & Grease Down the Drain after Preparing Meals. Fats, oils & grease (FOG) can clog your plumbing and sewers, resulting in basement backups & costly repairs. Learn how to properly dispose of grease or reuse it.

Christmas-Tree-Waste-1.jpg Recycle Your Holiday Tree
Columbus residents can dispose of their Holiday trees free of charge at several locations (Kurtz Brothers, Ohio Mulch) where they will be recycled into mulch, or can use the Rumpke curbside pickup on residents’ regular yard waste collection day. Remove lights, ornaments, tinsel & decorations. Our Com-Til Compost Facility will turn your tree into mulch. Find more yard waste collection details and locations. 

SleddingBoy.jpg Sledding & Outdoor Activities
Downhill sledding, snowboarding or skiing is not permitted on the sloped land around the reservoir or dam due to safety reasons. Metro Parks offer sledding, winter hikes & other outdoor activities.

SALT.jpg Salty Taste
A salty, briny or soapy taste and/or slippery texture are commonly noted in the winter when large quantities of deicing salts are applied to roads and walkways.

Cool Weather Energy Savings Tips
Page coming soon: Learn how to save energy during cooler weather. Plus, link to a rebate offer for a new programmable thermostat or low flow shower head.