Com-Til Compost
Get Your Garden in Full Bloom with Com-Til
Com-Til products are organic fertilizers and soil conditioners used for mulching, gardening, potting, transplanting and breaking up tough, clay soil. Add valuable organic matter & nutrients to give your greens a boost or use as a decorative mulch to retain moisture. It is one of the best-kept secrets for improving soil health and growing a greener lawn and getting your garden in full bloom.
All About Com-Til
Com-Til is a dark, rich compost that will break up tough clay soil, add valuable organic matter, retain moisture and provide a nutrient-rich decorative mulch.
A biosolids compost produced by Department of Public Utilities, Com-Til is sold for public use in central Ohio and beyond. While it is similar to other organic soil amendments and can be used in the same ways, Com-Til is uniquely usable as a nutrient-rich composted mulch.
Gardeners, landscapers, tree farms, and some area golf courses use Com-Til… some of your neighbors are using it too.
Com-Til provides organic material and carbon to soils and improves physical properties; it “breaks up” hard clay soil… and healthy soil means healthy plants and trees.
How to Use Com-Til
Com-Til can be tilled into existing soil, blended with topsoil or sand, spread over earth, sod or grass as a top-dress, used as an in-fill for remediation projects, or any application to improve the health of the soil. It can also be used as a fertilizing mulch for landscaping needs.
Just as with any lawn fertilizer or soil amendment, you should handle Com-Til compost with gloves.
How Com-Til Is Made
It is produced by "extended aerated static pile" method. Composting is a year-round operation, and we have 35 acres to mix, compost, cure, screen, and store the product.
Other readily available composts are made from food scraps or manure; Com-Til is made from wood chips and treated biosolids. Our composting process allows Com-Til to meet regulatory requirements and be classified as “exceptional quality” – this means there are no remaining pathogens, and Com-Til can be used safely without restriction.
About the Compost Facility
For over 30 years our primary function is the production of Com-Til compost and mulching products. Working with both Jackson Pike and Southerly Wastewater Treatment Plants (of the Division of Sewerage and Drainage), our 35-acre site is home to one of the largest composting operations in central Ohio. We are located between State Route 104 and the Scioto River, just south of Route 665 / London-Groveport Road.
For questions/additional information call 614-645-3153. We love to talk about what we do! Or you can schedule a tour of the facility. Anyone can visit during business hours – our office staff is available to answer questions, offer information about Com-Til, and give you a tour of the building and outdoor operations (weather & schedule permitting). Please NOTE: we do prefer to schedule tours, especially if the group is larger than four.
Where To Purchase Com-Til
Com-Til is available for purchase in bulk quantities at our Compost Facility by wholesale accounts only. However, consumers can have a load delivered by a Retail Hauler(PDF, 283KB) or find it at other locations, including: Jones Topsoil, Kurtz Brothers, Ohio Mulch, Mr. Mulch, 9 Trees Landscaping and others. Call us to find a retailer near you: 614-645-3153 (weekdays 7 am - 3 pm).
We offer two wholesale account tiers:
- Standard - $16.00/yard
Requires annual minimum purchase of 30 yards. $100 non-refundable deposit (applies a $100 credit to your account)
- Premium - $12.00/ yard
annual minimum of 300 yards. $1,000 non-refundable deposit (applies a $1,000 credit to your account)
To create an account, complete the Wholesale Account Application(PDF, 250KB), email: the application to the Compost Facility along with the deposit check. The deposit acts as a credit towards your first purchases. For questions, please contact us at 614-645-3153 (weekdays 7 am - 3 pm).
Learn how to become a Wholesaler(PDF, 376KB).
Request a donation. We’re happy to help support the city’s community gardens through our donation program. Complete the Donation Request Form(PDF, 112KB) and email or mail the application to the Compost Facility. Community gardens are eligible for up to 10 cubic yards of compost each year.
Yard Waste Recycling at the Facility
The Compost Facility accepts yard waste free of charge, year round from residents and businesses. We recycle trees, leaves, brush and more to produce Com-Til compost and mulching materials. Open weekdays from 7 am – 3 pm.
Accepted yard waste includes (see brochure for full detail(PDF, 346KB)) :
- ANY kind of tree, including Ash trees, but NO stumps
- LOGS – any size or diameter
- LEAVES - Please empty and take/reuse your leaf bags
Be prepared to unload your vehicle or trailer by yourself, or bring help with you. If it’s your first visit, you can park your vehicle and visit the office to obtain more information. Follow all posted rules and signage. All Vehicles:
- Make sure your load is visible upon arrival. If we cannot see the material, ask us to inspect it before you get to the drop-off area.
- You must ‘weigh in’ – unless you are told otherwise by staff, this means every car or truck. Drive onto the scale when it is safe, and wait for a green light before moving. NOTE: There is no weight limit to what you bring. We are required to record and report the amount of materials accepted.
- Follow signs and unload your vehicle where you see similar yard waste.
- Your load may be reviewed at any time, and unacceptable materials will be refused. Please do not dump unacceptable materials at the facility; take them with you for proper disposal elsewhere. Visit to find other yard waste collection centers. Visit Columbus' Yard Waste Collection to find other yard waste collection centers.
- ‘Weigh out’ and wait for a green light when you are finished. You may exit the facility afterward, or visit the office if you would like a proof of delivery.