Lead in Drinking Water


The lead concentration in the drinking water leaving our treatment plants is below the level of detection. However, lead can enter the water from household plumbing and fixtures when water resides in plumbing for more than 6 hours.

FAQs about lead in drinking water

Reducing Exposure to Lead in Water(PDF, 718KB) (Brochure)

Service Line Material Survey - To comply with Ohio EPA Lead and Copper Rule Revisions, a service line material inventory is available to catalog the public (city) and the private (homeowner) service line materials by October 16, 2024. Please report your home water line material using this form. You can view Pipe Identification Procedures(PDF, 1MB) and follow three simple steps to identify a lead water service pipe using a Flathead screwdriver, refrigerator magnet and a penny.

Image of Map for Lead Mapping and Communications

View the 3/6/2017 News Release & Maps City Lead Water Service Line Map Now Available(PDF, 2MB) which includes the OEPA approved map which meets the requirements of 2016 HB 512, as well as a more user-friendly interactive map that allows the user to search by address or zoom in to street level view. 

View the Presentation(PDF, 981KB) made at City Hall 2/9/16. 

Cover to the Annual Water Quality Report View the "Consumer Confidence Report(PDF, 3MB)" which shows the types and amounts of key elements in your drinking water, their likely sources and the maximum contaminant level (MCL) that is considered safe. The water delivered to your home meets ALL of the requirements of the Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA).