Fifty Plus Risk Reduction Program

Mission Statement

To provide education to the 50 year + high- risk group on:

  • Fire Safety
  • Fall Prevention
  • Escaping a Fire

The 50 year +/Remembering When program will educate the senor citizen target audience group in fire safety and fall prevention, using the National Fire Protection Associations (NFPA) "Remembering When" curriculum. The program has partnered with area agencies on aging, community centers and places of worship and Independent Living Facilities to reach older adults.

Here are some examples of fire safety and fall prevention topics:

  • "If you smoke, smoke outside"
  • "Give space heaters, space"
  • "Be kitchen safe"
  • "Stop, drop and roll"
  • "Smoke alarms save lives"
  • "Plan and practice your escape from fire"
  • "Know your local emergency number"
  • "Plan your escape around your abilities"
  • "Exercise regularly"
  • "Take your time"
  • "Clear the way"
  • "Look out for yourself"
  • "Wipe up spilled liquids immediately"

For more Information