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The CFD Is Looking For A Few "Bad" Buildings!

The Columbus Division of Fire is asking property owners who may have a structure that is abandoned and/or ready to be demolished to allow firefighters to conduct training in it.

The CFD Building Acquisition Hotline at 614-221-3132 ext. 75348

There are three types of training:

  • Non-destructive (used for search and rescue training)
  • Destructive (used for breaching walls, cutting holes in roofs, knocking out windows, etc.)
  • Burn (used for fire suppression activities - eventually burning the structure to the ground)

We need abandoned/vacant buildings for these different types of training. If a property owner has a vacant structure that they would like to donate, but doesn't want the building destroyed, they can request it be used for non-destructive training. If a property owner has a vacant structure that is scheduled for demolition, the fire department would be grateful to use it for destructive or burn training.

The best structures for firefighter training are ones that are not good for the owners - having low appeal for potential tenants. Buildings that are most sought after are: (abandoned/vacant)

  • Single family residences
  • Multi-family residences
  • One or two-story apartment buildings
  • Schools
  • Strip shopping centers
  • Large facilities (i.e. grocery stores, hardware stores, commercial-type buildings, etc.)