Institution, Education and Requested Inspections Office

Institution, Education, Short Term Rentals and Requested Inspections: This office accommodates request for the fire inspections of intuitions, education Facilities, daycare centers, group homes, short term rentals (Airbnb), and homes for foster care, homes for adoptions, in-home child care and businesses requiring a fire inspection for state accreditation. Any questions can be answered by calling 614.645.7641 ext. 75607.

The requested inspection process has changed. CFD Info-Requested Inspection Flowchart below has the new procedures.

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Permit Application

*For new Daycare, Foster Care and Group Homes only,

Daycare, Group Home, Adoptions, Foster Care, After School


COVID-19 Operational Procedures


Emergency Planning (EOP packet, Floor plans, etc.)

For instructions on preparing your EOP and floor site plans, visit Emergency Planning and Preparedness

Send Floor Plans, Site Plans and EOP packets for approval to:

Short Term Rentals (Airbnb)
