Lead Education and Poisoning Prevention

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If your home was built before 1978, there is a good chance it has lead-based paint. Lead from paint, and dust with lead in it, is one of the most common causes of lead poisoning. Lead can damage nearly every system in the human body, and has harmful effects on both adults and children. Lead poisoning is the greatest environmental threat to children in Columbus. 

Test Children

Children must be tested for lead poisoning if they live or spend time in homes built before 1978.  

Young children who have contact often with an adult who works with lead through work or a hobby must also be tested. These adults should also be monitored for lead.  

Testing can be done through your child’s physician’s office. If your child does not have a physician or medical insurance, you can find services at:
Columbus Health Resources 
Primary One Health 


Lead Dangers

  • Behavior and learning problems
  • Lower IQ and hyperactivity
  • Slowed growth
  • Hearing problems
  • Anemia 
  • Learn more


Renovation Risks

Renovation, repair or painting can create toxic lead dust. Before you renovate, find an EPA, lead-safe certified contractor in your area. Start here.

For homeowners renovating, repairing or painting a home built before 1978, projects can easily create dangerous lead dust.  


Columbus Area Resources

Lead Education and Poisoning Prevention (LEAPP) – Columbus Public Health  

The LEAPP program helps residents stop exposure to lead, including education, consultation services, free HEPA vacuum loan, and referral services. To learn more, call the LEAPP Hotline at (614)724-6000

Lead in Water – Columbus Department of Utilities

The water leaving Columbus water plants does not have any lead. Lead may leach into water from water supply pipes from lead service lines, copper pipes with lead solder, and plumbing fixtures like faucets. Learn more.

Grants - Lead Safe Columbus 

Lead Safe Columbus works to make sure Columbus has lead-safe affordable housing. The program offers grants to homeowners and landlords for lead-based paint hazard control.  Learn more.

Lead Inspection Service - Franklin County Public Health

Franklin County Public Health offers a lead inspection service for a fee if you live in a home built before 1978 that’s located in Franklin County. For additional information.  Learn more.