Our Work


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At CelebrateOne, we believe every baby deserves a healthy start. Infant mortality, the death of a baby in the first year of life, is a heartbreaking tragedy and we are committed to reducing this disparity in our community.

We can't achieve this goal alone. That's why CelebrateOne works hand-in-hand with dedicated community partners to address the root causes of infant mortality, particularly infant mortality in our Black communities, and empower families to raise healthy babies.

Building a Network of Support

Our collaborative approach involves partnering with a diverse range of organizations, including:

  • Healthcare providers: We work with hospitals, clinics, and healthcare professionals to ensure access to quality medical care during pregnancy, well-baby visits and educational resources.
  • Social service agencies: We partner with social service organizations that provide essential support services like housing assistance, breastfeeding programs and mental health resources for expecting mothers and families.
  • Community organizations: We collaborate with faith-based groups, community centers, and other organizations that provide a social safety net, promote healthy lifestyles and connect families to needed resources.

Bubbles explaining what CelebrateOne does and how it connects to other programs and resources.

The Power of Collaboration

By working together with our community partners, CelebrateOne can:

  • Identify and address local needs: Our partners have a deep understanding of the specific challenges faced by families in their communities.
  • Expand our reach: Partnering allows us to connect with more families and provide essential resources to a wider population.
  • Create a comprehensive support system: By working together, we can offer a holistic approach to care, addressing the physical, social and emotional needs of expecting mothers and families.


Making a Difference

Through collaboration and a commitment to addressing the root causes of infant mortality, CelebrateOne is making a measurable difference. But our work is far from over. We are dedicated to continuing our partnerships and working towards a future where every baby has the opportunity to thrive.

Join Us in the Fight

We invite community organizations like yours to join us in making a difference. Together, by combining resources and expertise, we can empower families, address root causes and create a healthier future for all families and babies. To learn more, please contact Senior Community Engagement Manager Agata Brenneman, AiBrenneman@columbus.gov

Zip Codes We Serve

Map of zip codes served

At CelebrateOne, we believe every baby deserves a healthy start. Sadly, the reality is that some neighborhoods face higher infant mortality rates than others. Infant mortality is the death of a baby before his or her first birthday. That's why we focus our efforts on high-priority zip codes identified through data analysis.

Our Priority Zip Code Map

This map highlights areas with higher infant mortality rates within the community. By focusing our resources on these neighborhoods, we can make a more significant impact on reducing infant mortality and improving birth outcomes for all families.

Why Do We Focus on Specific Zip Codes?

Infant mortality rates are often linked to social determinants of health. These are social and economic factors like access to healthcare, healthy food and safe housing, which can significantly impact a mother's health and a baby's well-being. By targeting high-priority zip codes, we can address these root causes by providing safe sleep education, encouraging moms-to-be to seek prenatal care and connecting families to other organizations offering resources and services.   

By The Numbers

Cribs Distributed: 2,176 (Exceeded the 2023 goal of 1,700)

Safe Sleep Ambassadors Trained: 1,190 (Exceeded the 2023 goal of 1,000) 

2023 Baby Shower Attendance: 1,452 (Exceeded 2022 attendance by 236) 
  • West Shower was the most attended with 421 people 
  • East Shower: 367 people attended 
  • South Shower: 363 people attended  
  • North Shower: 301 people attended 

Women Served – 3,554

2023 Age Demographics 2023 Race Demographics

Infant Mortality Rate

Franklin County saw a decrease in infant mortality rate (IMR) in 2023, dropping to 7 deaths per 1,000 live birthscompared to the previous year's 8. This progress, while significant, comes alongside a decline in the overall birthrate.

Black infant mortality also saw a positive shift, decreasing to 12.4 deaths per 1,000 live births from 13 in 2022. While disparities persist, this reduction marks a critical step towards achieving health equity for all Franklin County residents.

Community engagement played a vital role in the decline of the IMR and CelebrateOne stood at the forefront, providing crucial resources, support and education to at-risk communities. Collaborating with residents, raising awareness about maternal and child health issues and facilitating access to essential services proved immensely successful in lowering IMR and improving overall health outcomes.

Looking Ahead:

Despite the positive trends, achieving the 2030 goal of fewer than 5 IMR deaths per 1,000 live births requires sustained effort and investment. We must focus on:

  • Expanding access to prenatal care: Early and consistent care remains crucial for healthy pregnancies and babies.
  • Addressing socio-economic disparities: Social factors significantly impact health outcomes. We must bridge the gap between communities with different access to resources.
  • Promoting health equity: Ensuring equal access to quality healthcare for all is essential for achieving true progress.
  • Strengthening community partnerships: Collaboration between organizations, healthcare providers, and residents is key to long-term success.
  • CelebrateOne remains committed to working alongside Columbus Public Health, partners and the community to build upon these gains and make every life count. Together, we can create a future where all babies in Franklin County have the opportunity to thrive.


Let's celebrate progress, but remember, our work continues.