Our Programs

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See the diagram below explaining our Work, Programs, and Resources for Families. 

Eco system map


CelebrateOne, along with connecting you to different resources, takes pride in our own active programs. Read below on ways that we can assist you. 


Community Baby Showers

Community Baby Shower.jpg Building a Brighter Future, One Baby Shower at a Time

Welcoming a new baby is a joyous occasion. But for some families, the journey to parenthood comes with some challenges. At CelebrateOne, we believe every baby deserves a healthy start, which is why our community baby showers play a vital role in reducing infant mortality rates in Columbus.

More Than Just Gifts and Games

Our baby showers, typically held in the spring/summer, aren't just about cupcakes and decorations. They're designed to empower expecting  and new parents with the knowledge and resources they need to ensure a healthy pregnancy and a smooth transition into parenthood.

Here's how our community baby showers contribute to a healthier future for moms and babies:

  • Essential Education: We provide free safe sleep training classes so parents understand the ABCs of safe sleep – Alone, Back, in an empty Crib. 
  • Connecting with Resources: We connect families with vital community resources such as healthcare, housing and breastfeeding classes. 
  • Building a Support Network: Our baby showers foster a sense of community, allowing parents to connect with others on the same journey, build friendships and share experiences.
  • Reducing Disparities: We focus on serving neighborhoods with high infant mortality rates that can impact pregnancy outcomes.

Celebrate with Us!

CelebrateOne invites all expecting and new parents in Columbus to attend one of our community baby showers. It's a fun and informative event filled with valuable resources, food, music and raffle prizes. The event is free, but registration is required. 

Visit our social media channels or our homepage for important event information and to register. 


Doula Picture Chaundra Davis How Doulas Support You Every Step of the Way

Pregnancy, childbirth and caring for a newborn are life-changing journeys filled with wonder, anticipation and sometimes, uncertainty. At CelebrateOne, we believe every family deserves a positive birth experience. That's why we wholeheartedly recommend doula support – a powerful resource that empowers women throughout their pregnancy and motherhood journey.

Doulas: Your Birth Companions

Doulas are trained, non-medical professionals who provide continuous emotional, physical and informational support to expectant mothers and their partners. Unlike medical professionals focused on clinical aspects of birth, doulas offer a different approach, catering to the emotional and physical needs of mothers during pregnancy, delivery and after returning home from the hospital. 

The Many Benefits of Doula Support:

  • Empowered Pregnancy: Doulas provide evidence-based information and resources, allowing mothers to make informed decisions about their care.
  • Reduced Stress and Anxiety: Through emotional support and comfort measures, doulas can help relieve anxiety and create a calm birth environment.
  • Pain Management Techniques: Doulas teach pain management, such as massage, relaxation methods and breathing exercises.
  • Advocacy: Doulas can provide support in communicating with healthcare providers and making sure mothers' birth preferences are respected.
  • Shorter Labor and Fewer Interventions: Studies suggest doula support can lead to shorter labors, fewer interventions and a decreased need for pain medication.
  • Smooth Postpartum Transition: Doulas can offer breastfeeding support, emotional support during the first weeks at home and help with newborn care.

At CelebrateOne, we believe every woman deserves a positive birth experience. We provide resources and information about doulas and other support services. Contact us to learn more about how CelebrateOne can empower you on your pregnancy journey.

Ohio Health Improvement Zone

OHIZ - Kroger.PNG

CelebrateOne Brings Essential Support to Far East Columbus

CelebrateOne is thrilled to announce a groundbreaking partnership with the Mid-Ohio Food Collective (MOFC). Together, we'll establish a vital presence in the Far East side Columbus neighborhood, specifically serving families in the 43232 zip code.

A Beacon of Support

This collaboration takes root within a dedicated section of MOFC's new 67,000 square foot facility near Refugee and Hamilton Roads, occupying the former Kroger store. This central location eliminates the need for families to visit multiple locations for essential services, creating a one-stop shop for support.

Addressing a Critical Need

The Far East side Columbus neighborhood faces a high infant mortality rate. CelebrateOne's mission is to bridge critical gaps in prenatal care, a crucial factor in healthy pregnancies and positive birth outcomes. Our on-site community health workers will directly connect families with vital resources and services, empowering them to navigate parenthood with confidence.

A Holistic Approach

CelebrateOne won't be alone in this undertaking. We'll share space with a rotating team of community partners, offering a comprehensive range of support:

  • Prenatal Care
  • Lactation Support
  • Mental Health Support
  • Community-Centered Programs

This collaborative effort ensures families have access to services under one roof, advancing a healthier community for all.

CelebrateOne is proud to be part of this exciting initiative. Together, we can make a real difference in the lives of families in the Far East side Columbus neighborhood.

The new site is expected to open in 2025.

Pregnancy Tests

Pregnancy Tests CelebrateOne: Empowering Women for Healthier Pregnancies

One in three expectant mothers delays or forgoes prenatal care altogether, putting themselves and their babies at risk. At CelebrateOne, we believe early intervention is crucial. That's why we launched a groundbreaking initiative in 2023: providing free pregnancy test kits at the Columbus Metropolitan Main Library and 16 branches across the city.

Empowering Women, One Test at a Time

Since its launch in June 2023, the program has been a resounding success. By year-end, over 1,000 test kits were picked up, demonstrating the significant need and positive community response. This program goes beyond just access; it embodies CelebrateOne's core values:

  • Community Health: Easy access to test kits removes barriers to early care, promoting healthier pregnancies and families.
  • Empowerment: We equip women with the knowledge and resources they need to take control of their health journey.
  • Equity: Every woman deserves access to essential healthcare, regardless of background or socioeconomic status.

More than Just a Test

This initiative is just the beginning. We're proud to partner with the Columbus Metropolitan Library to ensure all women have the opportunity for healthy pregnancies and thriving families. Moving forward, we plan to expand this program to reach more women and continue advocating for equitable access to healthcare for all. 

Queen Village

Queen's Village

Queens Village Columbus Celebrates Milestones and Paves the Way for Progress

Queens Village Columbus has achieved remarkable success in just two short years. This vibrant organization serves as a catalyst for positive change, empowering Black mothers and fostering a brighter future by reducing the Black infant mortality rate.  Here's a look at their accomplishments:

  • Building a Strong Foundation: They formed a diverse Community Advisory Board, a group of experienced Black women who provide guidance and ensure programs meet the unique needs of the community.
  • Collaboration is Key: Queens Village Columbus has established partnerships with community organizations and healthcare providers, all working together to improve maternal health outcomes for Black women in Columbus.
  • Sisterhood and Self-Care: They host monthly meetings, offering a safe space for relaxation, connection, and self-care specifically tailored to Black women.
  • Investing in Knowledge: Queens Village Columbus provides members with opportunities to expand their horizons through conferences, seminars and knowledge-sharing sessions within the broader Queens Village network.
  • Securing Resources: A grant from the Department of Health Resources and Services Administration allows Queens Village Columbus to expand its reach and impact.

 Guiding Principles: Five Pillars of Change

Queens Village Columbus is guided by five core pillars that shape their mission and fuel positive change:

  • Rest, Relax, Repower: Reducing stress and empowering Black women with dedicated spaces for self-care and rejuvenation.
  • Change the Narrative: Amplifying Black women's voices, creating platforms for their stories and perspectives to be heard and celebrated.
  • Invest in Leadership: Developing the leadership potential, social networks and influence of Black women through the Community Advisory Board.
  • Create Opportunities: Fostering economic and professional advancements, enabling Black women to thrive and reach their full potential.
  • Engage Communities: Collaborating with social, political and medical sectors to advance equity initiatives and dismantle implicit bias impacting Black women.

A Movement for Change

Queens Village Columbus is more than just an organization; it's a movement. Born from the desire for Black women to connect, share experiences and support one another, this movement ignited a fight against the alarming Black infant mortality rate in Cincinnati. 

Today, Queens Village has expanded to include 13 chapters across the US, serving over 2,000 Black women and projected to reach 12,000 by 2026. Through various initiatives, they foster connection, education and advocacy, actively combatting maternal health disparities and dismantling implicit bias.

A Brighter Future for All

By fostering collaboration and focusing on their core pillars, Queens Village Columbus is paving the way for a future where every Black mother has the resources and support needed to flourish. Strengthening the fabric of the community, they ensure a brighter tomorrow.

Join us in building a brighter future for Black mothers. Get involved with Queens Village Columbus by contacting Whitney Gordon, WRGordon@columbus.gov

Safe Sleep

Healthy sleep is essential for a baby's development, but unsafe sleep practices are a leading cause of infant mortality. CelebrateOne's Safe Sleep program takes a proactive approach, helping create a community where every baby sleeps safely - EVERY NAP, EVERY NIGHT, EVERY TIME.

The Challenge:

Sleep-related infant deaths are preventable. By empowering families with knowledge and essential tools, we can significantly impact the well-being of our future generation and reduce infant deaths in our community. 

Our Program Champions the ABCs of Safe Sleep:

We provide free educational materials, along with safe sleep training classes, that explain the importance of safe sleep practices.

Alone: Promote a safe sleep environment with babies sleeping alone in a crib or pack-and-play, free from loose bedding or objects.

Back: Encourage consistent placement of babies on their backs to minimize the risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS).

Crib: Advocate for the use of cribs as the safest sleep surface for infants.

The ABCs of Safe Sleep empowers informed choices, reducing the risk of sleep-related infant deaths. By promoting healthy sleep habits, CelebrateOne contributes to a healthier, happier future for our community's most vulnerable members.

Teen Reproductive Health


CelebrateOne: Empowering Teens through Reproductive Health Education

CelebrateOne is a pillar of support and empowerment for Columbus' youth, offering a vital Teen Reproductive Health Program, in partnership with Planned Parenthood of Ohio. This program equips adolescents with the knowledge, resources and confidence to make informed choices about their reproductive health.

Peer Education: The Cornerstone

A cornerstone of this program is the Peer Education initiative, a partnership with Planned Parenthood of Greater Ohio's Ohio Center for Sex Education. Trained student leaders (Peer Educators), aged 14-19, act as relatable role models. Through workshops, activities and outreach, they educate their peers on making healthy choices regarding sexual health.

Impactful and Growing

Since its inception in 2010, the Peer Education program has impacted over 93,994 individuals in Central Ohio. In the 2022-2023 academic year alone, 41 teens actively participated as Peer Educators. These young leaders, armed with knowledge and empathy, guide their peers towards informed decisions about physical and mental well-being.

Addressing Modern Challenges

Recognizing the rising rates of mental health concerns among teens, the program has incorporated discussions on mental wellness, empathy and self-care more prominently in recent years.

Celebrating Achievements

Each year, CelebrateOne hosts a graduation celebration for the Peer Educators, their families, and friends. Mayor Andrew Ginther attends the event to express his gratitude for these exceptional role models.

Looking Forward

CelebrateOne and Planned Parenthood of Greater Ohio remain dedicated to serving the needs of our community's youth. By equipping teens with the knowledge and support they need, we empower them to take control of their health, make sound choices and build a foundation for healthier futures.