Civil Service Commission Public Forms

black man in white shirt looking at City of Columbus web page on computer screen

The Civil Service Commission sometimes requires you to complete forms to handle your requests. 

A test accommodation is an approved change to the normal test procedures.

If you want to take a Columbus Civil Service Exam but need a test accommodation, complete the right form(s) at the right time. Use the Accommodations Request Forms link below to learn more about test accommodations, when a test accommodation might be approved, and how to request a test accommodation. 

Are you a veteran of the US military? Would you like to have veteran's preference points added to your passing Civil Service score?

Do you want to learn more about Columbus Civil Service Exams? 

You may request a review of your application rejection, failure during testing, or any other actions by our CSC staff.  Complete this Request for Review form within ten calendar days of notice of rejection, failure, or other staff action.

Request for Review

For Public Safety jobs, you may file an appeal if you have been removed from consideration due to background standard(s).

      Complete this form if you were removed at the application stage.

          Request for Review for Background Removal: Application Stage

     Complete the form below if you were removed from the eligible list due to a background removal standard. 

          Request for Review for Background Removal: Eligible List Stage

The following documents provide the City of Columbus background removal standards used for entry into Columbus public safety jobs.

Background Removal Standards - Firefighter(PDF, 149KB)

Background Removal Standards - Police Officer and 911 Communications(PDF, 197KB)


Complete the Request to Withdraw from Eligible List form if you are on an eligible list and you want to withdrawal from that list. 

Complete the Request to Cancel a Temporary Withdrawal form if you took a temporary withdrawal from an eligible list and you are ready to be considered for the job.  

Complete the Request for Reinstatement form to be reinstated to an eligible list.

Complete the Request for Citywide Transfer form when you are current City staff and want to be considered for other City jobs in your current classification and employment type (full-time, part-time, limited, regular, etc.).

Columbus Civil Service Commission Hearings

The Civil Service Commission serves as a neutral hearing body for employee appeals regarding suspension or discharge actions. As a City of Columbus employee, your eligibility to be heard by the Commission may depend on your bargaining unit (union). As required by the Ohio Revised Code, the Commission also provides disciplinary appeal hearing services for all classified employees of the Columbus City Schools. These hearings are often called Trial Boards. 

In addition, the Commission may consider appeals of the request for review decisions made by the Commission's Executive Director. These appeals are acted upon during regular Commission meetings. 

Complete the Notice of Appeal Form form for one of the following reasons:

  1. You are appealing a disciplinary action or involuntary resignation from an eligible City of Columbus job. 
  2. You already submitted a Request for Review and your request was denied. You want to appeal that decision. See the Reconsideration Forms tab to learn more about a Request for Review. 

commission hearing room, 3 chairs at a table, US flag and City flag on each side

Notice to Parties Appearing before the Columbus Civil Service Commission

If you are a party appearing before the Columbus Civil Service Commission in a Hearing (Trial Board) read below to learn more about the hearing process.


Commission disciplinary appeals are scheduled on a “first filed, first heard” basis. When an appeal is filed, it is scheduled for the next available hearing date. Unless otherwise requested, sworn employees are scheduled before the full Commission (three Commissioners) and all other City of Columbus (City) employees or Columbus City School (School) employees are scheduled before a Trial Board (one Commissioner and two Civil Service staff members).


Continuances are to be requested in writing no later than three weeks before the scheduled hearing date. Such requests must contain the reason the continuance is being requested and are subject to the approval of the presiding Commissioner. If a request for a continuance is not made at least three weeks before the scheduled hearing, the person requesting the continuance (or one of their representatives) must appear at the scheduled hearing to formally make the continuance request to the Commission.

Pre-Hearing Conference

Before your scheduled hearing date, you or your representative and the City's or School's representative will be scheduled to appear before a Commission Hearing Officer at a pre-trial hearing conference. The purpose of this conference is to identify the issues in dispute, the witnesses, their expected testimony, and the exhibits, both joint and individual.


If either party wishes the Commission to subpoena witnesses, then the party must provide a pre-hearing statement at the pre-hearing conference. The purpose of the pre-hearing statement is to give a detailed account of what you expect the testimony of each witness to be. The Commission will review this statement at its regular meeting on the day of the pre-hearing conference and decide to whom subpoenas will be issued. The pre-hearing statement must include the complete name and address, with zip code, of each individual to whom a subpoena will be mailed. The Commission staff is not responsible for researching or correcting mailing addresses.


Please provide one original and four copies of each exhibit to be presented during the hearing. The original is to be given to the Secretary to be marked for the official file. The other copies are for the three panel members and the other party.


Representatives, please remember and advise your witnesses that hearings are being taped and that you need to speak up and directly into the microphone to make sure everything is recorded properly. Standing or walking while speaking prevents your voice from being recorded.

To make a public records request for Civil Service Commission records, visit our public records request portal. This link is to a user-friendly platform for submitting and tracking public records requests.

If you need assistance with the portal, please contact the Clerk's office at (614) 645-7380 or

“…Records Matter. For without records, citizens could not claim their rights or hold government officials accountable. Without records, past mistakes would no longer be lessons for the future. Citizens…would have no understanding of their…story…. Records tell us ‘who we are, what we have achieved, our adventures, and what we stand for.’” John W. Carlin, Eighth Archivist of the United States