Columbus City Council

City Council is the legislative branch of the City with the responsibility of adopting annual operating and capital budgets, city contracts and enacting the Columbus City Codes. Council also establishes land use policy through its zoning powers.

Your City Council
Columbus City Council consists of nine members representing more than 900,000 residents and are elected to serve a four-year term. Learn more about your City Councilmember, their office staff and committees.

Want to know the current news of Council? Get the latest press releases, public hearing, meeting and news advisories in one location. 

Meeting Schedules & Agendas
Everything you need to follow the work of Council, including access to legislation, agendas, meeting schedules, how to speak at Council, City Bulletins and more.

Common Constituent Requests
This page provides a quick reference guide for residents with common inquiries concerning legislative agents, domestic partnerships and more.

Helpful Links
Useful resources and links, including the city code and charter.