Citywide Funding Opportunities

Each year, there are resources made available to outside organizations through a variety of funding streams. While some of these funding opportunities are competitive, multi-year grants, others are one-time only grants and are considered on an individual basis. In all cases, the city's issuance of grants and support to human services organizations is subject to the availability of funds.

Below are the various grant programs administered by the City of Columbus. Please note that there may be very specific intended uses of funds associated with each of these funding sources, and if your organization is seeking city support, carefully review each of the funding sources below to select the proper source.

Council Discretionary Funds
Each year, Columbus City Council has funding available to support external organizations. Agencies have the ability to submit requests for funding via an application on the following page. That page also contains additional information regarding the intended uses and the limitations of funds, reporting requirements, and timeline for distribution.

American Rescue Plan
In 2021, the federal government awarded the City of Columbus approximately $187 million in funding via the American Rescue Plan, passed by the United States Congress and signed into law on March 11, 2021. To date, the city has invested in support for small business, housing stabilization, and childcare and early childhood development, as well as a host of other human and social service programs. External organizations can review potential opportunities for funding by visiting the city's American Rescue Plan site.

Federal Block Grants
The City of Columbus receives annual allocations of funding via the federal Department of Housing and Urban Development Community Development Block Grant program, HOME Investment Partnerships program, Emergency Solutions Grant program, and Housing Opportunities for Persons With AIDS program. The Department of Finance and Management administers a community-facing process for determining the use of those funds. Information on the city's use of federal block grants, and updates on the annual planning process, can be found on the Finance and Management Grants Management site.

Workforce Development Support
Columbus City Council is committed to promoting workforce development initiatives that provide opportunities for good paying jobs for Columbus residents. Funds are available to eligible nonprofit organizations and programs with fiscal sponsorship by a nonprofit to support workforce development. You can submit requests via an application on the following page.

Capital Improvements Budget
Each year, the City of Columbus adopts a Capital Improvements Budget, or CIB. The CIB is the means by which the city invests in permanent improvements: roads, bridges, parks and playgrounds, Police and Fire stations, etc. The CIB is intended to support neighborhood investments, frequently at the request or direction of groups like area commissions, civic associations, or other neighborhood collaborations.

Operating Budget
The City of Columbus operating budget covers the city's fiscal year of January 1-December 31, and establishes spending for city departments and other expenditures.