Working with federal authorities and cybersecurity experts, the City of Columbus continues its investigation and response to a July cybersecurity incident. Click here for more information on the Division of Fire notification.
Job Creation Tax Credit: A non-refundable tax credit calculated as a percentage of the City of Columbus income withholdings for eligible new employees and applied toward the company's municipal tax liability. The credit rate and term are based upon the amount of new investment and the number of jobs created as a result of the project. In order to receive this credit, the State of Ohio must also grant an Ohio Job Creation Tax Credit.
Jobs Growth Incentive: A cash payment up to twenty-five percent (25%) of the local income tax withholdings for eligible new employees for up to a negotiated term for businesses locating or expanding outside of the Columbus Downtown area. The rate and term are based on the number of new employees, the investment amount and the lease term.
Downtown Office Incentive: Businesses locating or expanding in Downtown Columbus may be eligible for the Downtown Office Incentive. This incentive involves a cash payment equal to fifty percent (50%) of the local income tax withholdings for eligible new employees for a negotiated term for a minimum of ten new jobs created and retained within the Columbus Downtown area.
Enterprise Zone (EZ): A designated area of land in which a business can receive a tax exemption related to eligible new investment in real property improvements. Enterprise Zones allow the City of Columbus to negotiate exemptions on new property tax from investment for up to seventy-five percent (75%) for up to ten (10) years. Eligible businesses must invest in new building construction and/or improvements to existing land and buildings.
Community Reinvestment Area (CRA): A designated area of land in which property owners can receive a tax exemption related to eligible new investment in real property improvements. The CRA districts allow the City of Columbus to negotiate exemptions on new property tax from investment for up to one hundred percent (100%) for up to fifteen (15) years. Eligible businesses must invest in new building construction and/or improvements to existing land and buildings.
Columbus has several economic development tools available to promote job growth and investment in our community. Tax abatements are one of these tools – they reduce the amount of real property taxes a company pays, and in return, the company commits to investing in new facilities and hiring new workers.
Anthony Slappy
Neighborhood & Development Program Coordinator