Lehnert Farms/Bolton Field Basin Improvements

This project will modify the existing detention basin, built in 1975, to include forebays, micropools, native vegetation and wetland features.  The basin footprint will be expanded to provide additional flood control and the existing outlet and storm sewer will be modified to reduce downstream flooding.

It is located along Norton Road, in the Westland planning area, 400 feet north of Georgesville Road. The goals of this project are to include water quality features that meet current OEPA post construction stormwater quality regulations, replace grass areas within the basin with native plants to reduce maintenance and enlarge the basin to provide additional flood control.

Construction is anticipated to begin in mid 2019 and take approximately 12 months. Financing is being provided through a below market-rate loan through the OEPA’s Water Pollution Control Loan Fund (WPCLF) Program. Prior to granting this loan, the Ohio EPA required a detailed submittal from the Division of Sewerage and Drainage to determine the project’s eligibility.

The Ohio EPA has completed a Limited Environmental Review (LER) for this project. View the LER and the letter(PDF, 498KB) of "Notice of Issuance of a Limited Environmental Review and Final Finding of No Significant Impact to All Interested Citizens, Organizations and Government Agencies." 

For additional information please contact the Sewer Systems Engineering Section at 645-0485.

Lehnert Farms Map