Blueprint CIPs

Large capital improvement projects (CIPs) currently underway in support of Blueprint.

Blueprint Livingston-James 5
Large capital improvement projects (CIPs) currently underway in support of Blueprint in the Livingston-James area.

Blueprint Noble and 4th Street
This project will separate an existing combined sewer into dedicated storm and sanitary sewers on Noble Street between 4th and 5th Street; it will eliminate one of the combined sewer overflows in the City. It is expected to begin in the spring of 2024. Affected property owners will receive door hangers notifying them when construction activities will be in their immediate area.

Blueprint - Fifth by Northwest Area Projects
Large capital improvement projects (CIPs) currently underway in support of Blueprint in the Fifth by Northwest area.

Blueprint - Hilltop Area Projects
Large capital improvement projects (CIPs) currently underway in support of Blueprint in the Hilltop area.

Blueprint - Clintonville Area Projects
Large capital improvement projects (CIPs) currently underway in support of Blueprint in the Clintonville area.

Blueprint - Linden Area Projects
Large capital improvement projects (CIPs) currently underway in support of Blueprint in the Linden area.

Blueprint Near South Lining Project
In the South Side planning area bounded by Markison Avenue, Wall Street, Refugee Road, and Fairwood Avenue, this project will begin in winter 2020 to rehabilitate existing sanitary sewer mains and associated manholes. Area residents will receive notice before the work begins with info on timing, contacts, and a request to restrict water usage for a short time.