Contractor Licenses

In accordance with the Columbus City Code, Chapter 4114 - License and Registration - General Provisions, the Department of Building and Zoning Services issues licenses and registrations to individual contractors who wish to perform work within the city. All contractors performing work within the city are required to obtain the appropriate license or registration before they can apply for permits and begin the job. The purpose of issuing licenses and registrations is to provide minimum qualification standards and provide for the safety and welfare of the general public, owners and occupants of buildings and structures within the city. 

Listed below are various licenses and registrations required by our department, based on the specific area of work.

General Contractor

Download the General Contractor License Application Packet HERE(PDF, 570KB) for complete instructions, application and bond form.

Licensure Requirements:

  • General Contractor Application; completed and notarized
  • A Bond in the amount of $25,000 (bond form in license packet must be used)
  • A Certificate of Liability Insurance listing City of Columbus, Department of Building & Zoning Services, 111 N Front Street, Columbus, Ohio 43215, as a certificate holder, written by an insurance company licensed to do business in the State of Ohio.
  • See the current BZS Fee Schedule for applicable fees

The City of Columbus does not currently require board approval for general contractors. However, general contractors may appear before the Board of Home Improvement and General Contractors for adjudication and/or due process complaints (filed against or by the contractor.)

General Contractor’s Permitted Scopes of Work:

City of Columbus registered general contractors are permitted to perform Construction of all new structures or buildings and structural additions, alterations or repairs to existing commercial or multi-family dwellings.

  • Construction of all new structures or buildings (excluding accessory structures and garages for existing structures that contain 1, 2 or 3 family dwellings).
  • Structural additions, alterations or repairs to existing commercial or multi-family dwellings and accessory structures or buildings. Multi-family buildings are defined as any structure that contains 4 or more dwelling units.
  • Coordinate and manage the modification, alteration, or repair of existing 1, 2 and 3 family dwellings. The general contractor is required to subcontract all work to City of Columbus licensed home improvement, mechanical, electrical and plumbing contractors that will perform the work with their own hands or see that the work is properly accomplished under their direct supervision.

Please note: Contractors who wish to perform structural work on existing 1, 2 and 3 family dwellings (including construction of garages or accessory structures) must be licensed as a City of Columbus home improvement contractor. Please see the Home Improvement Contractor section for more information.


Home Improvement General Contractor

Download the Home Improvement Contractor (HIC) License Application Packet HERE for complete instructions and application.

HIC General Licensure Requirements:

  • HIC Application; completed and notarized
  • A copy of passing test results (score of 70% or higher) for 767 Ohio Home Improvement Contractor. See below for additional testing information.
  • See the current BZS Fee Schedule for applicable fees

Board Approval:

  • Applicants are not required to be present at the board meeting. However, contractors may appear before the Board of Home Improvement and General Contractors for adjudication and/or due process complaints (filed against or by the contractor.)

HIC General Contractor Test Information:

  • Schedule to take the exam (select ICC Contractors Non Authorized, enter 767 to locate the test.) For more information or study references, please contact International Code Council (ICC) at (877) 783-3926 or visit the ICC website;
  • All passing exams are valid for one year from the date that a passing score was achieved. After 1 year from the date that a passing score was achieved on any required examination for a department-issued license, the passing score for that examination or examinations shall become invalid unless an application for licensure has been made.

Minimum Experience Required: 

The applicant for a home improvement general contractor license shall have a minimum of three (3) full years of “hands-on” experience in the one (1), two (2), and three (3) family home improvement field.

HIC General Permitted Scope of Work:

Home improvement refers to the repair, replacement, remodeling, alteration, conversion, modernization, improvement or addition of existing 1, 2, or 3 family dwellings to any land or building, which is used, or designed to be used, as a private residence or dwelling place for not more than 3 families and shall include, but not be restricted to, the construction, replacement or improvement of driveways, swimming pools, porches, garages, or fallout shelters.

City of Columbus (licensed) Home Improvement General Contractors are permitted to perform the following scopes of work:

  • Structural additions, alterations, or repairs to existing 1, 2 and 3 family dwellings
  • Construction of accessory structures and/or garages for 1, 2 and 3 family dwellings

Home improvement does not include:   

  • The construction of a new home building or work done by a contractor in compliance with a guarantee of completion of a new building project
  • The sale of goods or materials by a seller who neither arranges to perform nor performs directly or indirectly any work or labor in connection with the installation of or application of the goods or materials

Please note: Contractors who wish to perform structural work on four (4) or more family dwellings and/or commercial structures, or new construction other than residential garages and/or accessory structures, must be registered as a City of Columbus General Contractor. Please see the general contractor section for more information.


Home Improvement Limited Contractor

Download the Home Improvement Contractor License Application Packet HERE for complete instructions and application.

Limited Licensure Requirements:

  • HIC Application; completed and notarized
  • See the current BZS Fee Schedule for applicable fees

Board Approval:

  • Applications are reviewed by the Board of General and Home Improvement Contractors.
  • Applicants must submit their application and payment no later than one (1) week prior to the next scheduled board meeting.
  • Applicants are not required to be present at the board meeting. However, contractors may appear before the Board of Home Improvement and General Contractors for adjudication and/or due process complaints (filed against or by the contractor.)
  • Upon Board approval, the applicant will receive notification by certified mail with instructions on how to complete the remaining steps in the licensing process. Please do not come in for License processing until you have received approval notification by mail.

Minimum Experience Required: 

The applicant for a home improvement limited contractor license in fields of specialization shall have a minimum of one (1) full year of “hands-on” experience in that field for which a license is applied.

HIC Limited Permitted Scope of Work:

City of Columbus licensed home improvement limited contractors are permitted to perform one or more of the following scopes of work (based on board approval):

  • Residential roofing
  • Residential siding, windows, and doors
  • Residential deck installation
  • Residential basement waterproofing
  • Residential prefabricated fireplaces and wood or coal stoves
  • Residential masonry fireplaces
  • Residential fencing
  • Residential sidewalks and driveway approaches
  • Residential exterior lathing and stucco
  • Residential swimming pools and spas
  • Residential asphalt paving
  • Residential irrigation sprinkler
  • Residential gypsum board

Please note: Contractors who wish to perform structural work on four (4) or more family dwellings and/or commercial structures, or new construction other than residential garages and/or accessory structures, must be registered as a City of Columbus General Contractor. Please see the general contractor section for more information.



Demolition Contractor

Download the Demolition Contractor License Application Packet HERE for complete instructions and application.

Limited Licensure Requirements:

  • Demolition Contractor Application; completed and notarized
  • See the current BZS Fee Schedule for applicable fees

Board Approval:

  • Applications are reviewed by the Board of General and Home Improvement Contractors.
  • Applicants must submit their application and payment no later than one (1) week prior to the next scheduled board meeting.
  • Applicants are not required to be present at the board meeting. However, contractors may appear before the Board of Home Improvement and General Contractors for adjudication and/or due process complaints (filed against or by the contractor.)
  • Upon Board approval, the applicant will receive notification by certified mail with instructions on how to complete the remaining steps in the licensing process. Please do not come in for License processing until you have received approval notification by mail.

Minimum Work Experience Required: 

The applicant must have a minimum of three (3) full years of experience in the demolition field immediately preceding the date of application

Demolition Contractor Permitted Scope of Work:

City of Columbus registered demolition contractors are permitted to remove any structure to grade which shall include 1, 2, and 3 family dwellings and buildings, structures, or sites associated therewith. A duly registered demolition contractor is any person that provides the means, processes, and procedures for razing or removing all of a building, structure, or appurtenance from a property governed by the City of Columbus Building Code.


OCILB Contractor (Ohio Construction Industry Licensing Board

Download the OCILB  Application Packet HERE for complete instructions and application.

In order to work in the City of Columbus as an electrical, HVAC, refrigeration, hydronics, or plumbing contractor, applicants must be licensed by the State of Ohio, in the trade for which application is being made. If you do not currently hold the required State license, please click the link below. You will be redirected to the State of Ohio's website. Once you have obtained the required State license, you may proceed with the City of Columbus application process.

State of Ohio Construction Industry Licensing Board

Due to the State licensure requirement, the City of Columbus does not require board approval for OCILB contractors. However, OCILB contractors may appear before Skilled Trades Review Board for adjudications or due process complaints (filed against or by the contractor).

Journeyperson Plumber

Download the Journeyperson Plumber Application Packet HERE for complete instructions and application.

Journeyperson Plumber Licensure Requirements:

  • Journeyperson Plumber Application; completed and notarized
  • A copy of passing test results (score of 70% or higher) for the National Standard Journeyman Plumber – F25 exam. See below for additional testing information.
  • See the current BZS Fee Schedule for applicable fees

Board Approval:

  • Applications are reviewed by the Skilled Trades Review Board
  • Applicants must submit their application and payment no later than one (1) week prior to the next scheduled board meeting.
  • Applicants are not required to be present at the board meeting. However, contractors may appear before the Board for due process complaints (filed against or by the contractor.)
  • Upon Board approval, the applicant will receive notification by certified mail with instructions on how to complete the remaining steps in the licensing process. Please do not come in for License processing until you have received approval notification by mail.

 Test Information:

  • Schedule to take the exam (enter “F25” into the Search by Exam title search field and click “Search.”). Study references can be found under Contractor/Trades Examination Bulletin published by ICC.
  • All passing exams are valid for one year from the date that a passing score was achieved. After 1 year from the date that a passing score was achieved on any required examination for a department-issued license, the passing score for that examination or examinations shall become invalid unless an application for licensure has been made.

Minimum Experience Required: 

The applicant must have a minimum of 5 full years of experience in the plumbing trade installing building services plumbing systems and apparatus including potable water systems; or, completed a United States Department of Labor, Bureau of Apprenticeship Training (USDOL, BAT) certified plumbing apprenticeship program.

Alternatively, in lieu of the above requirements, an applicant for any license may be:

  • An engineer, registered in Ohio, in the specific field of work for the type of license for which application is made; or

  • A graduate engineer, with at least 1 full years’ experience as a designer or installer in the specific field of work for the type of license for which application is made. A full year of experience, shall be based on 12 consecutive calendar months during which the applicant shall have been gainfully and verifiably employed for not less than 1,600 working hours at the specific craft, trade or profession for which an application for a department-issued license has been made.

 Additional Information:

The City of Columbus requires and issues licenses for individuals who intend to work in the City of Columbus as a journeyperson plumber. Per City of Columbus Code Section 4114.107, no Ohio Construction Industry Licensing Board (OCILB) licensed specialty plumbing contractor shall employ any person to work at the trade of journeyperson other than a duly licensed journeyperson plumber licensed by the department. No person shall engage in or work at the trade as journeyperson plumber until he or she shall have first procured a department-issued journeyperson plumber's license.

In addition, no department-licensed journeyperson plumber shall contract or carry out a contract for the construction, installation, repairing or altering of any plumbing, or furnish plumbing material therefor, within the corporation limits of the city, or represent or advertise himself, either publicly or privately, as being ready, willing or able to contract to perform such work or furnish such material within the corporation limits of the city. 


General or Limited Sign Erector

Download the Sign Erector Contractor Application Packet HERE for complete instructions and application.

Sign Erector Contractor Licensure Requirements:

  • Sign Erector Contractor Application; completed and notarized
  • Exhibits/photos detailing the actual signs fabricated, erected or otherwise installed by the applican
  • See the current BZS Fee Schedule for applicable fees



Board Approval:

  • Applicants must submit their application and payment no later than one (1) week prior to the next scheduled board meeting.
  • Applicants are REQUIRED to attend the board meeting.

Minimum Experience Required: 

  • Limited Sign Erector: An application for a license as a limited sign erector shall have a minimum of three (3) years’ experience in erection and fabrication of signs.
  • General Sign Erector: An applicant for a license as a general sign erector shall have a minimum of five (5) years’ experience in erection and fabrication of signs.

The applicant for either license who does not meet the requirements of A or B above may present a complete statement of qualifications to the board for its consideration. If the board determines that such person is qualified by reason of experience, training, or education or any combination thereof, it shall certify the name of the eligible applicant to the department.

Sign Erector Contractor Permitted Scope of Work:

  • Limited Sign Erector: A limited sign erector shall only engage in the erection, maintenance and removal of painted and non-illuminated graphics no more than sixty-four (64) square feet in area, limited to sixteen (16) feet in height, and not installed over the public right-of-way
  • General Sign Erector: A general sign erector may erect and service all graphics allowed by this Graphics Code.


Sewer, Water, or Combined Sewer & Water Contractor

Download the Sewer & Water Contractor Application Packet HERE for complete instructions and application.

Sewer & Water Contractor Licensure Requirements:

  • Sewer & Water Contractor Application; completed and notarized (Individual name, and company name if applicable, must be listed identically on all documents.)
  • A Bond in the amount of $25,000. The enclosed bond form must be used.
  • A Certificate of Liability Insurance listing City of Columbus, Department of Building & Zoning Services, 111 N Front Street, Columbus, Ohio 43215, as a certificate holder, written by an insurance company licensed to do business in the State of Ohio
  • Approved application and board approval letter from Department of Public Utilities (per code section 4114.505) (see additional information below)
  • See the current BZS Fee Schedule for applicable fees

Before submitting an application to the Department of Building and Zoning Services, contractors must first obtain approval from the Department of Public Utilities (DPU). Once you have received the required approval, you may submit an application, to be licensed as a sewer, water, or combination sewer and water contractor to the Department of Building and Zoning Services.

Board Approval:

The tentative meeting schedule for the Department of Public Utilities Contractor Review Committee is the 3rd Thursday of every month. Please do not submit the water and sewer application packet to the Department of Building and Zoning Services for license processing until you have received approval notification from Public Utilities. If additional information is needed, please call the Department of Public Utilities Contractor Review Committee staff person at (614) 645-7490.

Contractors who have been approved by DPU, and issued a license (by the Department of Building and Zoning Services) will be overseen by the Skilled Trades Review Board. The board meets once per month. Once a license has been issued, it may be necessary for contractors to appear before the Skilled Trades Review Board for Adjudications or Due process complaints (filed against or by the contractor).

Minimum Work Experience:

  • Have a minimum of three (3) years of cumulative work experience, under the supervision of a Columbus or other recognized jurisdiction's licensed contractor, on sewer lines, water systems (including water service lines and taps), or combined sewer and water lines or systems
  • Hold a current, valid license as a contractor in another recognized city, county, or state to work on sewer, water, or combined sewer and water lines or systems
  • Have a minimum of two (2) full years of experience working on sewer lines, water systems, or combined sewer and water lines or systems.

Related Code Information:  Chapter 1131 LICENSING OF SEWER CONTRACTORS


Fire Contractor

Download the Fire Contractor Application Packet HERE for complete instructions and application.

Fire Protection Contractor Application Requirements:

Fire Protection Company:

  • Ohio Division of State Fire Marshal Registration Application; completed and notarized
  • A Bond in the amount of $25,000. The enclosed bond form must be used
  • A copy of the company’s current certificate with Ohio’s Division of State Fire Marshal (See State Fire Marshal website for more information if needed)

Individual Installer:

  • Ohio Division of State Fire Marshal Registration Application for the Individual
  • A copy of both sides of the Individual Installer’s current certificate with Ohio’s Division of State Fire Marshal. A copy of the Company’s current certificate with Ohio’s Division of State Fire Marshal.

Registration Fee:

Board Approval:

Due to the state licensure requirement, the City of Columbus does not require board approval for fire contractors. However, fire contractors may appear before the Skilled Trades Review Board for due process complaints (filed against or by the contractor).

Fire Contractor Scope of Work:

Registered fire protection companies are permitted to perform work for which the associated fire certified installer registration has been issued. Issuance of a City of Columbus fire certified installer registration shall be determined by the categories listed on the license issued by the Ohio Division of State Fire Marshal, Bureau of Licensing and Certification.


Special Inspectors

Special Inspector Application

Special Inspector Qualifications

Special Inspector Licensure Requirements:

  • Special Inspector Application; completed and notarized.
  • Copy of a resume listing the minimum qualifications for each special inspection category requested and a current copy of all certification(s) must be attached to the complete registration application.
  • See the current BZS Fee Schedule for applicable fees

Board Approval:

Special inspector applications are reviewed by the Columbus Building Commission. The commission meets once per month. Applicants must submit their application and payment no later than one (1) week prior to the next scheduled board meeting. Applicants are not required to be present at the board meeting. However, special inspectors may appear before the Columbus Building Commission for due process complaints (filed against or by the contractor). 

Special Inspector Scope of Work:

City of Columbus registered special inspectors perform and report on inspections that are specific to certain aspects of building construction and outside the expertise of inspectors employed with this department, which include:

  • Steel Construction (High-Strength Bolts)
  • Steel Construction (Welding)
  • Concrete Construction
  • Masonry Construction
  • Wood Construction
  • Soils
  • Driven Deep Foundation
  • Cast-in-Place Deep Foundations
  • Helical Pile Foundations
  • Fabricated Items
  • Wind Resistance
  • Seismic Resistance
  • Testing of Seismic Resistance
  • Sprayed Fire-Resistance Material
  • Mastic and Intumescent Fire-Resistant Coatings
  • Exterior Insulations and Finish Systems
  • Water-Resistive Barrier Coatings
  • Fire-Resistant Penetrations and Joints
  • Smoke Control Systems
  • Photovoltaic Systems

A special inspection is an inspection of construction that requires the expertise of an approved special inspector in order to ensure compliance with the Ohio Building Code and the approved documents.  Generally speaking, it is an inspection requiring extensive knowledge, equipment or testing above what a certified building inspector or department can reasonably provide.  A list of special inspections can be found in Chapter 17 of the Ohio Building Code and are listed on Statement of Special Inspections form that accompanies some plan approval letters issued by the Department of Building and Zoning Services.