Working with federal authorities and cybersecurity experts, the City of Columbus continues its investigation and response to a July cybersecurity incident. Click here for more information on the Division of Fire notification.
The Big Darby Accord is a multi-jurisdictional plan covering the Franklin County portion of the nationally recognized Big Darby Watershed. A fundamental goal of the Accord is to ensure that the zoning and site development review processes are fair and consistent throughout the planning area. The Panel shares responsibility with the local governing jurisdiction to review and render advisory, non-binding opinions on zoning applications and site development plans in terms of conformance with the Accord Plan. Each jurisdiction continues to be responsible for final plan approval or denial for proposals in their area. Panel membership is comprised of appointees from partner jurisdictions.
The Franklin County Department of Economic Development and Planning hosts an extensive website with plan documents, application information, schedule and other resources. Big Darby Accord Website.
Those looking to submit an application for review by the Big Darby Accord Advisory Panel should refer to the Information for Applicants(PDF, 1MB) resource for details on the process. The blank application form is linked below.
Meetings are generally held on the second Tuesday of each month at the Franklin County Courthouse, 369 S. High Street, 1st Floor, Meeting Room #1 at 1:30 p.m.
Please note: Meeting dates and locations are subject to change or cancellation. You are encouraged to contact the Planning Division for confirmation.
See Meeting Information(PDF, 374KB) for additional information on how to participate or view a meeting as well as requesting meeting accommodations.
For Development Inquiries, please contact the Planning Information line at (614) 724-4437 or via email at
For all other inquiries please contact:Mosé M. Lattimore, Associate Planner
Meeting Date & Time
Application Deadline
Meeting Agenda
Meeting Minutes